Damavand Volcano

The Official Website of the Mount Damavand Guides Iran

Volcano Damavand, Iran

The Damavand Volcano in Iran is not active and stays quiet. It looks similar to Japan's Fujiyama but is bigger. The snowy peak, covered by clouds, is Iran's prettiest sight. There have been no eruptions ever recorded, so Damavand is thought to be extinct and silent but it is a dormant volcano. On its lower slopes, there are hot springs like Larijan Village Thermal Spring. At the top, there's a big crater, about 150-200 meters wide, with yellow sulfur rocks and pumice stones inside.

Volcano Damavand
Volcano Damavand

A Young Volcano
Volcano Damavand: The Giant Smoky Mountain: Towering over Iran, Damavand isn't just the tallest peak, it's also a volcano with a fiery past. Geologically, Damavand is relatively young, forming about 600,000 years ago. Its slopes are covered with volcanic ash, rock, and lava, showing its active past. Although its last eruption was around 5300 BCE, hot gases still escape from vents, indicating ongoing activity below the surface.

Mt Damavand Iran, Damavand Cap Cloud, Photo Ardeshir Soltani
Damavand volcano, Iran
Damavand Cap Cloud During Sunrise
View from Sorkheh-Hesar Park Tehran
Photo Ardeshir Soltani

At an altitude of 5400-5500 meters, there's some sulfuric gas that can pose a challenge for climbers. Due to its immense height, the view from the top is vast, offering a panoramic vista of mountains and valleys spanning hundreds of square kilometers. Surrounding the area are other peaks of the Alborz Mountains, extending northward to the Caspian Sea plain and southward descending to the deserts of central Iran. It stands as the tallest peak in Iran and the Middle East, marking the highest summit for travelers journeying from Europe eastward to Iran.

Damavand-Info Hiking Tour Company is the right agency for anybody who wishes to trek Mount Damavand Iran.

Volcano Damavand, Iran
Damavand volcano, Iran

Layers of the Volcano
The Tallest Volcanic Mountain in Iran and Asia, Full of Smoke: Reaching for the sky, Damavand is Iran's highest peak and holds a sleeping giant of a volcano inside. Damavand's slopes are covered with different layers of materials. These layers include: Volcanic ash: tiny fragments of rock and glass thrown out by eruptions. Rock: solidified lava that has cooled and hardened over time. Lava: molten rock that flowed out during eruptions and then solidified. These layers tell the story of Damavand's fiery past and its many eruptions.

Mount Damavand Iran
Damavand Volcano Iran

Damavand Volcano: A Majestic Natural Wonder in Iran

Iran is a land of great contrasts, from its sprawling deserts to its towering mountains. Among these mountains, Damavand Volcano reigns supreme, standing at a height of 5,671 meters (18,606 feet), it is the 3rd highest volcano in the world Volcanic Seven Summits (V7S) and the highest volcano in Asia. Damavand is a majestic natural wonder that has captivated the hearts of people for thousands of years.

Located in the middle of Alborz mountain range in northern Iran, Damavand Volcano is an active stratovolcano that has been dormant for the last several thousand years. It is believed to have formed over 1.78 million years ago, and its most recent eruption is estimated to have occurred around 7,300 years ago.

The volcano has a distinct conical shape, and its summit is almost always covered in snow, making it a beautiful sight to behold. Damavand Volcano is also home to several natural hot springs, such as Larijan SPA which are believed to have therapeutic properties and are popular among locals and tourists alike.

The cultural significance of Damavand Volcano dates back to ancient Persian mythology, where it was believed to be the dwelling place of the Persian hero, Feraydun. The mountain is also mentioned in the Shahnameh, a Persian epic poem, where it is described as the home of the mythical king, Zahhak.

Mount Damavand, Iran
Mount Damavand, Iran


Damavand-Info is the best mountain travel agency for trekking tours on Mount Damavand, Iran. We help you achieve your dream of climbing this mountain in Iran. With lots of experience, we're great at planning safe and enjoyable hiking, trekking, climbing, and skiing trips on this awesome mountain. Whether you're an expert or a beginner, our tour organizers at Damavand-Info have the right tours and know-how to ensure your journey is successful and unforgettable.

Today, Damavand Volcano is a popular destination for hikers, mountaineers, and nature enthusiasts from all over the world. The trek to the summit is a challenging but rewarding experience, with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The climb to the Damavand summit typically takes two to five days, with several Damavand campsites along the way. The most popular route is the southern face, which is accessible from the village of Polur. However, there are several other routes, including the northern, western, and eastern faces, which offer varying degrees of difficulty.

The best time to climb Damavand is during the summer months, from June to September, when the weather is milder and the snow has melted, making the climb safer and more accessible.

Aside from climbing, there are several other activities to enjoy in the area, including Damavand skiing, mountain biking, and sightseeing. The nearby town of Amol is also a popular tourist destination, with several historical and cultural sites.

Damavand Volcano is a natural wonder that is both awe-inspiring and culturally significant. Its majestic beauty and rich history have captivated people for centuries, and it continues to draw visitors from all over the world. Whether you are a hiker, mountaineer, or simply a lover of nature, Damavand Volcano is a must-see destination that should be on every traveler's bucket list.
If you're interested in hiking and trekking tours on Mount Damavand, check out Damavand Mountaineering Tour Programs. It's the most comprehensive resource available.

Mount Damavand Iran
Damavand Volcano Iran

Damavand Volcanic Activity
Since spring 2007, there has been some extraordinary activities such as significant emission of gas, steam, sulfurous materials and increase in hot spring temperature of Volcano Damawand.

There was some unverified news about new volcanic activity of Damavand Volcano, Iran on the media in April 2012. To give a clear view of what is happening, here you may read the latest information by climbers who have been to the volcano summit in early April 2012.

Note about the Trip Reports
Remember these guys are mountaineers and just focused on trekking Damavand mountain and they are not geologist and nor the experts who studies the history and development of the volcanoes!

Trip Report I
18 April 2012 By Azad Mountaineering Group Iran.
This observation indicates an ordinary gas emissions (no change since 2007) of Damavand activity and signifies the volcano visually shows the regular white emissions rising about few meters above the summit form the main southern vent.

- On 5th April regular sulfur emission was observed on the main Southern vent.
- This southern vent has been active since June 2007.
- This current emission has entered its 5th year.
- The volcano has been on stable condition since 2007.
- The volcano has not shown any signs of major unrest recently.
- There has been no recorded volcanic tremor or earthquakes recently.
- No recent eruptions were observed or occurred at the volcano.
- No new lava flow observed at summit crater or on the flanks.
- There is no ash fall.
- No exclusion zone has been placed around the volcano.

Trip Report II
A new smoke emission is reported on the West face of Damavand by another team, and for the first time this year, some new smoke and gas emission was reported in April 2012 on the Western side by a mountaineering group, but not verified yet by any other teams.

There was a good amount of rain and snow fall in winter 2011 on the area. This could increase the amount of gas and steam emission from the vents in the in following year, also it may increase the temperature of thermal springs in 2012. We experienced similar events in winter 2006 and consequently some small volcanic activities in 2007.

Visit Also This Video Clip Recorded on 19 June 2007
Activity of Damavand Volcan 19 June 2007

Volcano Damavand, Volcanic Activity

Damavand Volcanic Extraordinary Activity 2007
In the spring of 2007, the Damavand volcano became much more active than usual, releasing a lot more sulphuric gas. Since then, the amount of gas it emits has been gradually increasing.

The photo and the video displays the most active spot of the volcanic activity near the Damavand summit on the South path. If you're trekking in that part, make sure to stay away from the smoking area and continue walking against the wind.

If you start feeling too much gas, you may use a handkerchief with vinegar on it to help you breathe better. Consider bringing an oxygen mask as a precaution, but usually, it's not necessary.

Vinegar Mask for Mt Damavand
Damavand Volcano, Iran
To pass the sulphur area you may make a vinegar mask!!
Behind the Main Vent of the Damavand Volcano is visibale

Vinegar Mask
When trekking near the summit of Volcano Damavand, don't worry about the sulfuric area. Just bring a mask or a handkerchief and some vinegar. If needed, you can quickly make a simple vinegar mask to help you. When you approach the sulfur area, depending on the wind direction, change your direction away from the gas and smoke, and stay as far as possible from the smoke. If you start feeling and smelling too much gas, it's time to make the vinegar mask. Apply a little vinegar on the handkerchief, cover your mouth and nose with it, and pass through the area. You may not need an oxygen mask.

Mount Damavand Iran
Volcano Damavand Iran

Important Note
Mountaineers climbing from the South side are advised to stay at least 20 meters away from the main vent of Damavand Volcano, located on the South route near the summit crater. Finf more in Mount Damavand Trekking Tour.

Damavand Volcano is Iran's highest peak and the tallest volcano in Asia. Its last eruption occurred about 7000 years ago, with lava flows spreading from the summit crater to the western side. Active fumaroles, emitting hot steam and sulfur dioxide-rich gases, are found just below the summit. There are only a few vents on the volcano's sides. Near the summit on the South route, there is a notable fumarole vent releasing hot steam and sulfur dioxide-rich gases. The presence of active fumaroles near the summit indicates ongoing volcanic activity. Blocks of pure sulfur and large sulfur-bearing blocks can be found just below the summit, with sulfur deposits present on the surrounding slopes.

Damavand Mountain, Iran, Tenting in Damavand Climbing Itinerary
Damavand Mountain, Iran
Tenting in Damavand Climbing Itinerary

FAQs about Damavand Volcano

What is Damavand volcano?
Damavand volcano, also known as Mount Damavand, is a majestic stratovolcano located in Iran. It is the highest peak in the Middle East and one of the world's most prominent volcanic peaks. This towering natural wonder is often referred to as Damawand Peak or Damavand Mountain.

Where is Damavand volcano located?
Damavand volcano is situated in northern Iran, near the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. It's a prominent feature of the Alborz mountain range and holds cultural and geographical significance in the region.

When was the last eruption of Damavand Volcano?
Volcano Damāvand became volcanically active at least 1.8 million years ago, and its most-recent eruption was about 7,000 years ago, but some evidence suggests magmatic activity between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago. Although there is no recorded eruption in the recent history, but fumaroles at the summit crater and hot spring at slopes suggest that Damavand volcano is still active.

Is Damavand an active volcano?
Damavand Volcano in Iran is a silent dormant volcano. There has been no eruption in historical times and records. It is regarded as a potentially active stratovolcano and it may erupt in future. Fumaroles at the summit crater suggest that the volcano is still active. Volcano Damavand still retains signs of geothermal activity, making it important to monitor its behavior.

What is a stratovolcano?
A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is a type of volcano characterized by its steep slopes and layers of volcanic material, including ash, lava, and volcanic rocks. Damavand volcano is a prime example of a stratovolcano.

What's the tallest volcano in Iran?
It's Damavand Volcano, towering at 5670 meters (18600 feet). Not only is it the highest volcano in Iran, but it's also the tallest one in all of Asia's northern half. This massive mountain is part of the famous Volcanic Seven Summits, which are the highest volcanoes on each continent. Imagine, it's like a superstar among Iran's peaks and stands out as a special volcano in Asia. It's a stratovolcano, which means it's potentially active, but don't worry, it's not throwing lava parties all the time. On the worldwide stage, Damavand is number twelve in terms of how prominent it is and second in Asia, right after Mount Everest. Picture it right in the middle of Iran, between Tehran and the Caspian Sea, snuggled up in the Elburs Mountains. Snow covers the entire Damavand in winter.

Does Iran have any other volcanic mountain?
Yes, Iran has some other volcanoes such as Sabalan Volcano 4,811 m, Sahand Volcano 3,707 m and Taftan Volcano 3,941 m. Persian plateau is located at impact belt between the Eurasian and the Arabian tectonic plate and has at some active intraplate volcanoes.

Which continent has the most volcanoes?
Asia , Indonesia in Asia. Indonesia in Asia has the most volcanoes in the world. Volcano Tambora erupted in 1815 and still holds the record for the largest in recent history.

What is the world's highest volcano?
Volcano Nevados Ojos del Salado (Nevado de Incahuasi), 6,893 mabsl (22,615 ft) on the border of Chile-Argentina is the highest volcano in the world, but it rises only about 2,000 m (6560 feet) above its base. Visit List of volcanoes by elevation.

What are the main features of Damavand Volcano?
Volcano Damavand boasts several distinctive features, including a massive crater at its summit, which is often referred to as a "crater cone." The mountain's peak might also feature a caldera, a large depression formed by previous volcanic activity. Lava flows, magma vents, and other volcanic formations can be observed on its slopes.

Is it safe to visit Damavand volcano in Iran?
While Damavand volcano is potentially active, it is generally considered safe to visit, especially if proper precautions are taken. It's important to be aware of any signs of increased volcanic activity and to adhere to safety guidelines when exploring the area.

Can you hike Damavand volcano?
Yes, Damavand volcano is a popular destination for hikers and mountaineers. The trek to its summit offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Make sure to be well-prepared, physically fit, and equipped with the necessary gear before attempting the hike.

Are there any legends or cultural significance associated with Damavand Vulcan?
Absolutely, Damavand Vulcan holds a special place in Persian mythology and literature. It's often mentioned in ancient Persian texts and is considered a symbol of strength and endurance. Many local myths and stories are woven around this iconic mountain.

What should I know about the climate around Damavand volcano?
The climate around Damavand volcano can vary greatly depending on the altitude and season. At higher elevations, temperatures can drop significantly, even during summer months. It's essential to be prepared for changing weather conditions and to dress accordingly.

Can you see other mountain from Damavand's summit?
Yes, on clear days, the breathtaking panoramic view from Damavand's summit might allow you to see other nearby peaks, including those in the Alborz mountain range. This adds to the awe-inspiring experience of reaching the top.

Volcano Damavand Iran
Damavand Volcano, Iran

Quick Facts about Volcano Damavand, Iran

Mount Damavand is a towering volcano with a rich geological history. Even though its last major eruption was thousands of years ago, it still shows signs of activity through the hot gases escaping from its fumaroles. The layers of ash, rock, and lava on its slopes remind us of its powerful eruptions in the past. Damavand stands as a majestic symbol of Iran's natural beauty and volcanic activity.

Damavand Iran
Volcanic Activity Damavand Volcano, Iran

The Main Vent of the Volcano Located on the Sout Route near Summit Crater
Mount Damavand Info

Damavand Volcano: The Tallest Mountain in Iran
Damavand Volcano: The Mountain that Touches the Sky: This giant pierces the clouds, making it the tallest mountain in Iran. Volcano Damavand, The Persian Peak of Fire, is the highest mountain in Western Asia, standing at 5,670 meters (18,600 feet). It is also the tallest volcano in Asia and the third tallest in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Rich in History and Myth
Damavand is not just a physical landmark; it is also important in Persian mythology and folklore. It is often depicted as a powerful and awe-inspiring figure. Some legends say it imprisons a three-headed dragon, while others see it as a symbol of strength and national pride. The Snowy Top Mountain with Fire Below, Capped with white snow, Volcano Damavand hides a fiery secret deep beneath its surface.

A Challenge for Climbers
Damavand Volcano: The Big, Snowy Volcano: This enormous mountain wears a coat of white snow, but don't forget the fiery power hidden beneath. Despite the risks, many climbers are drawn to Damavand's majestic slopes. Adventurers from around the world attempt to reach the summit for the stunning views and the achievement of climbing such a challenging peak. The Beautiful Volcano Peak, Damavand's slopes are a breathtaking sight, even though it's a volcano.

A Symbol of Strength
Standing tall over the Iranian plateau, Damavand symbolizes the country's rich history and enduring spirit. Its slopes offer a look into a land shaped by fire and admired for its natural beauty. Damavand Volcano: A Fiery Giant of Iran Mount Damavand is a very tall volcano in Iran, standing at 5,609 meters (18,402 feet). It is the highest mountain in Iran and Western Asia, and it is the tallest volcano in Asia.

A Young Volcano
The Volcano with the Perfect Shape: Damavand's slopes rise in a smooth, symmetrical cone, a beautiful sight that hides its volcanic nature. Damavand started forming about 600,000 years ago, which makes it a young volcano in geological terms. Over the years, it has built up layers of volcanic ash, rock, and lava on its slopes. These layers show that Damavand has had many eruptions in the past.

Volcanic Activity
The Sleeping Volcano Giant: Damavand may look peaceful now, but this giant volcano could awaken someday. The last confirmed eruption of Damavand happened around 5300 BCE. However, the volcano is still active today. We know this because there are fumaroles on Damavand. Fumaroles are vents that release hot gases from inside the volcano. These gases show that there is still volcanic activity happening below the surface. The Ashy-Gray Beauty, Damavand's volcanic past has painted its slopes with a unique ashy-gray color, creating a rugged kind of beauty.

Volcanic Gases
Iran's Giant, Smoking Mountain: A behemoth in Iran, Damavand sometimes lets out puffs of steam, hinting at the fiery world within. The gases coming out of the fumaroles include steam and sulfur. These gases are very hot and can sometimes smell like rotten eggs because of the sulfur. The presence of these gases means that Damavand is not completely dormant, and there is still heat and activity beneath the mountain.

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